Honey Orthodontics Proudly Sponsors Children’s Dental Health Month in 2014

The National Children’s Center Health Month campaign in February brings together thousands of dedicated dental professionals, health care providers and others to promote the benefits of good oral health to children and adults, caregivers, teachers, and many others each year. This year’s the 2014 NCDHM campaign features the slogan “Join the Super Smile Team!”. The Read More

TMJ Jaw Pain Can Be a Mouthful in Gurnee IL

Living with aching or clicking jaws can be hard to swallow! Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, also commonly known as TMJ or TMD, is a joint disorder that affects the opening and closing of the jaw, and can have many side effects that relate to the teeth, head and neck. Like other joints, the relationship between the Read More

Start the New Year with a New Smile

Losing weight, exercising, healthy diet, and reducing stress are some of the most common New Year’s resolutions that target health and well-being. While they are important, have you ever thought about improving your smile? While many patients undergo orthodontic treatment for cosmetic reasons, braces also correct tooth alignment, spacing, and your occlusion or bite for Read More

Experiencing The Holidays

At Honey Orthodontics, we are midway into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. When was the last time you stopped to simply experience and appreciate what your life has to offer and how much you take for granted on a regular basis? Take a few moments to be grateful for the simple things Read More

Most Celebrities Love to Embrace Wearing Their Braces

Honey Orthodontics wants you to know that braces aren’t just for kids. Even celebrities enjoy the benefits that orthodontic treatment can offer and embrace traditional braces rather than invisible braces to correct their problems. Not every patient is a candidate for Invisalign or braces behind the teeth. Below are a few recognizable names who have Read More

Is Your Sweet Tooth Worth It?

Sugar in our daily diet will always be an issue for dental and medical professionals, nutritionists, and parents. As long as sugar remains a large part of the American diet, we will continue to hear about all the negative effects sugar can have on the body. But the real question is… will we listen? Overall, Read More

Orthodontic Tips for Back to School…

It’s that time of year again! The temperature is cooling off, fall sports are underway, and all the kids are headed back to school. At Honey Orthodontics in Gurnee IL, we want to offer a few helpful tips for going back to school with braces! Make sure to follow the 2×2 brushing rule: brush your Read More

A Healthy Smile Can Change Your LIfe…

A healthy perfect smile is why many children and adults choose to undergo orthodontic treatment. Around friends and family, a less than attractive smile is not as noticeable. However, when meeting new people, making new friends, and in the workplace, your smile is more obvious to those who don’t know you. When speaking one on Read More

Facts About the Fourth of July

Summer is here in full force and half the year has already zoomed by. Our team at Honey Orthodontics researched some fun facts about our country’s most celebrated holiday which hallmarks our independence as a nation. Did you know the Fourth of July or Independence Day, has only been a federal holiday in the United Read More

What Are Those White Spots on Your Teeth?

Chalky, opaque-looking white spots on the teeth are not uncommon today. Maybe you have them or perhaps you’ve seen them on the teeth of friends or family. Many things can cause white spots on the teeth. They can be a factor of nutrition, genetics, an excess of fluoride intake at a young age, or poor Read More

Sensitive Teeth – The Root of the Matter

Are you experiencing tooth sensitivity? Hot or cold temperatures, sweet or sour foods and drinks, and deep cavities or fillings often trigger this problem. Sensitivity is a common dilemma and an estimated 45 million Americans are victims! If you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, sensitivity is also not at all uncommon. Sensitive teeth normally occurs when Read More