Our Blog

5 Tips for Teaching Kids How to Brush

Good oral hygiene is a crucial part of a person’s health. Thus, it is imperative that parents help teach their kids not only to brush their teeth twice a day but also how to do so effectively. Rather than making it a chore, try to make cleaning their teeth a fun and enjoyable experience. To help, Dr. Oana Honey at Honey Orthodontics shares some tips for teaching kids how to properly clean their teeth.

Start Them Young – The best way for your child to learn how to properly brush their teeth is [...] Read More

Common Speech Problems Orthodontics Can Help

Did you know that the alignment of your teeth can affect your speech? If you struggle to pronounce certain words, your teeth could be the reason why. Thankfully, orthodontics can help. Dr. Oana Honey at Honey Orthodontics can provide orthodontic treatment to resolve common oral problems such as:

Lisp or Whistling

Lisps or whistles are common in children and adults and are developed due to open bites. An open bite occurs when the tongue doesn’t make a true connection with the roof of the mouth. This typically happens when pronouncing words containing [...] Read More

5 Reasons to Smile in the Year 2020

There are a lot of reasons you should be flashing those pearly whites more often – smiling is good for your health! According to Psychology Today, when you smile you activate neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness. As we close out the year, it is important to find reasons to smile and be grateful for all the lessons we’ve learned and achievements accomplished. For those who can’t find a reason to smile, Dr. Oana Honey at Honey Orthodontics has five:

Smiling Relieves Stress. Smiling activates the release of neuropeptides that work toward [...] Read More

Should My Mouthguard Be Custom or Store Bought?

Anyone participating in a sport should wear a mouthguard to protect their teeth. This is especially important for anyone undergoing orthodontic treatment. Braces and wires can damage the mouth if you receive a ball to the face.

Many people ask whether it is necessary to invest in a custom-fit mouthguard or will an over-the-counter one work just as well. To help you make the best decision for your situation, Dr. Oana Honey at Honey Orthodontics has information about each mouthguard.

Over-the-Counter Mouthguards

These mouthguards are the more affordable [...] Read More

Announcing Our Photo Scramble Contest!

The year 2019 has flown by, and the team at Honey Orthodontics is ready to welcome the 20’s with a holiday-themed contest – the Photo Scramble!

Head over to our Contest page to try your hand at unscrambling the sections of a photo depicting Dr. Honey and her family posing with Santa Claus! If you successfully unscramble the photo, you’ll be entered into a random drawing for a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Start the New Year off with some spending money!

This contest runs through December 31st. If you have any questions, please contact our office!

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Will Orthodontic Treatment Cause White Marks on My Teeth

Once you’ve completed orthodontic treatment, you just want to enjoy your brand-new smile. However, one thing patients often worry about is having white marks on their teeth following treatment. Luckily, whether you end up with white marks on your teeth after treatment is UP TO YOU! If you take good care of your teeth during treatment, white marks can easily be avoided.

How White Marks Form on the Teeth

The white marks that appear on your teeth during/after orthodontic treatment are called orthodontic white spot lesions (WSLs). These spots are caused by plaque buildup [...] Read More