Our Blog

5 Quick Breakfast Ideas For Sore Teeth

It’s no secret that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you the energy necessary to be the most effective throughout the day. But what do you do when your mouth is sore because your braces have been tightened? Skip breakfast?

Skipping breakfast is not the answer when your mouth is sore from your braces. Instead, try a few alternatives that are healthy and don’t put any added stress on your teeth. Here are five breakfast ideas that won’t interfere with your orthodontic treatment:

Smoothies. Too sore to chew? [...] Read More

Manual or Electric: Which Toothbrush Should You Use?

You’re just starting orthodontic treatment and it’s time to brush your teeth. Do you brush with a manual or electric toothbrush? The truth is that either type of toothbrush does an effective job of cleaning the teeth. For those of you not convinced, we’ve listed some features and benefits of each so you can decide for yourself.

Benefits of Using a Manual Toothbrush: It’s simple, affordable and easy to find. Changing your brush every 3 months doesn’t hurt your pockets. Depending on the type of brush and your brushing [...] Read More

The Truth About Mail Order Orthodontics

Would you consider undergoing orthodontic treatment to improve your smile without ever having to step foot inside an orthodontic or dental office? In the last couple years, there has been a significant increase in the purchase of mail order orthodontics and at-home teeth straightening kits, especially with teens. What’s the hook? It is advertised as a more cost-effective and convenient way to achieve a better smile. Watch this video!

Orthodontics, Explained

Contrary to common belief, the practice of orthodontics refers to more than simply straightening teeth. It includes treating various dental issues such as tooth decay due to crooked [...] Read More

Is Your Vegan Diet Good for Your Teeth While Wearing Braces?

While we’ve all heard that milk is great for building strong bones and teeth, not everyone drinks milk. Although more Americans are becoming proactive about taking care of their overall health, many of us have dietary preferences that exclude dairy products.

Both calcium and vitamin D are essential to your oral health, but are you getting enough calcium? At Honey Orthodontics, we understand that some of us simply cannot consume foods rich in calcium, like milk, due to lactose intolerance and dairy allergies…even when wearing braces. We also understand that others choose vegan or vegetarian lifestyles that eliminate certain food [...] Read More

Can I Drink Alcohol With Braces?

You already know the effects alcohol can have on your body, but do you know how it can affect your oral health? At Honey Orthodontics, our job is to educate adult patients on how to keep their teeth healthy during orthodontic treatment. Before you pick up that glass of your favorite alcoholic beverage, consider what’s inside.

Acid – Most alcoholic drinks are very high in acid content. Mixed drinks made of soda or fruit juices typically have the most acid. If left on the teeth too long, acid can erode the enamel on your teeth, making you prone to disease-causing [...] Read More

Where in the World is your Honey Orthodontics Smile?

School’s out, and we know our patients are excited to go on vacation! Dr. Honey wants to know “Where In The World Is Your Honey Orthodontic Smile?” going to take you this summer?

We want to see a snapshot of your spectacular smile as you soak up the sun, sights, and sounds of the cool locations you visit! Enter your photo in one of the following contest categories:

Most Adventurous Farthest Away Funniest General

We’ll create a gallery of our favorite submissions for final online voting. Out of the top 4 finalists – the Honey Orthodontics staff will [...] Read More