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Invisalign Teen – A Great Alternative For Self-Conscious Teens

A Smart Alternative for Teens and Parents

Does your teen need braces? Are they worried about how they will look and feel? Are you worried about the cost and co-operation during sensitive Teen years?

A great option for everyone is to choose Invisalign Teen, a revolutionary alternative to straighten teeth which offers many advantages over traditional braces at a comparable cost.

Advantages of Invisalign Teen

Rather than using wires and brackets that makes Teens self-conscious during orthodontic treatment, Invisalign Teen uses custom-made plastic aligners that are:

Nearly undetectable when inserted Much less painful and can be removed when [...] Read More

Stocking Stuffer Ideas For Your Family – Especially Kids In Braces!

It’s the holidays again and at Honey Orthodontics we would like to share some simple stocking stuffer ideas to consider for your kids and teens, especially those wearing braces. Instead of candy and sweets that are unhealthy and can bend and break wires and knock off brackets, give something more suitable to make your season bright and avoid problems during family festivities.

Colgate Wisps for those on the go. Wisps are disposable mini-toothbrushes with a breath-freshening bead that allows you to have a clean, fresh mouth without water or rinsing. This is a great stuffer for [...] Read More

Flex Account Can Make Someone Smile

2015 is quickly winding down and we will soon be welcoming the New Year. As a courtesy to all our patients, this is a reminder to review your Flexible Spending or Health Savings Account balances to make sure you don’t lose any of your benefits socked away this year.

Give the Gift of a Beautiful Smile This Holiday Season

If you anticipate you, or someone in your family will require orthodontic treatment in 2016, braces or Invisalign is the perfect holiday gift. Whether your goal is to use funds still available in 2015 or setup a new program [...] Read More

Are Braces A Fashion Statement Or Necessity For Teen Selfie Esteem

Every patient has their own reasons for deciding to undergo orthodontic treatment. For adolescents and teens, image has always been a key factor in social integration and in today’s beauty conscious society, a beautiful smile is high on their list of priorities.

According to NBC TODAY – “Selfie Esteem” give teens a confidence boost and social media is the ideal platform to broadcast yourself to the world. “Even though that seems very simple, that’s an extraordinary shift, historically. “It’s the first time you get to be the photographer and the subject of the photograph,” says Pamela [...] Read More

5 Tips To Protect Braces During Halloween

Halloween is a fun time of year for kids of all ages… but it can be a “nightmare” waiting to happen if patients are damaging appliances when eating the wrong treats. Watch this video put out a few years ago by the American Association of Orthodontics with additional “Halloween Brace Tips” for consumers that still very much apply today!

At Honey Orthodontics we love Halloween!! However, we feel it is important to educate parents and patients of the potential problems that can occur if orthodontic patients don’t pay attention to our foods to avoid list. [...] Read More

Spread The Word – October Is National Orthodontic Health Month


October means something a little different to our team at Honey Orthodontics because this is National Orthodontic Health Month. During October, orthodontic offices all over the country work together to promote their services and inform the community about the important work we do. Our goal is to draw attention to the fact that everyone needs to be evaluated for orthodontic treatment. You are never too young or too old if your bite or smile needs correction.

American Association of Orthodontics recommends that parents start early and all kids be evaluated 7 – 8 years of [...] Read More