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Seven Facts About Kids Dental Sports Injuries

What sport do you think causes the most dental injuries with kids? If you guessed football… you are right.

The ADA estimated that faceguards and mouth guards prevent approximately 200,000 injuries each year in high school and college football alone. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry states the children between the ages of 7-11 are the most susceptible to injury. When all is said and done, it is up to parents to ensure their kids are protected during practices and games at a younger age and train their kids of the importance of wearing #mouth guards when they are older [...] Read More

Embracing Change At Lightning Speed in 2014 in Gurnee IL

Life as we know it at Honey Orthodontics, both professionally in the delivery of orthodontic care and personally in our lives, is changing at the blink of an eye. It is both an exciting and intimidating age we live in and it amazes Dr. Oana Honey and our team every day. If we are here today, where will we be one, two, or even ten years down the road with all the advances in technology that affect all aspects of our lives?

Below is a video that highlights the changing world around us this year that we would like [...] Read More

Are Your Children Eating Cereals Listed in the Sugary Hall of Shame?

The Environmental Working Group researchers recently ranked more than 1500 #cereals by their total #sugar content, total weight and compared the findings with guidelines issued by federal health agencies and other organizations. What is most disturbing is that they also re-evaluated the list of 84 popular cereals evaluated in 2011 for comparison. Results… not one on the 2011 “worst” list had lowered its sugar content over the last three years.

At Honey Orthodontics we recommend our patients follow a healthy diet that is low in sugar not only for patients wearing braces, but for [...] Read More

Are Crooked Teeth a Cause for Bullying?

Having “ugly” teeth may significantly contribute to the problem of bullying, according to a recent study published in the American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics. According to the study, teeth were the No. 1-targeted physical feature to increase a child’s chance of being bullied, followed by the child’s strength and weight.

Do you think #Tom Cruise was a victim of teasing and bulling as a kid that created his tough guy attitude he projects today? He actually went through #orthodontic treatment twice, in his teens to straighten his teeth and broaden his smile and again as an adult to [...] Read More