Our Blog

What Are Those White Spots on Your Teeth?

Chalky, opaque-looking white spots on the teeth are not uncommon today. Maybe you have them or perhaps you’ve seen them on the teeth of friends or family. Many things can cause white spots on the teeth. They can be a factor of nutrition, genetics, an excess of fluoride intake at a young age, or poor oral hygiene.

When undergoing orthodontic treatment, white spots can develop if plaque is allowed to remain “around the brackets and along the gum line” for an extended period of time without proper brushing and flossing. Good oral hygiene is critical during treatment. Since the bonding [...] Read More

Sensitive Teeth – The Root of the Matter

Are you experiencing tooth sensitivity? Hot or cold temperatures, sweet or sour foods and drinks, and deep cavities or fillings often trigger this problem. Sensitivity is a common dilemma and an estimated 45 million Americans are victims! If you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, sensitivity is also not at all uncommon.

Sensitive teeth normally occurs when the enamel on the outside of the tooth wears away exposing the dentin layer of the tooth. The dentin layer is very porous with tubes that run to the nerve center. When exposed, the tubes react to changes in temperature and different foods.

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Will Dairy Products Help Your Teeth?

As kids we all remember hearing our parents or grandparents remind us that dairy products help build strong bones and teeth. But did you also know that milk and dairy products in general help can assist in improving your oral health and lowering your risk for gum disease?

A Winning Combination: Nutrition and Dental Health

Brushing and flossing in combination with regular visits to your dentist are all effective ways to prevent cavities. But a healthy mouth also requires a balanced diet, especially during orthodontic treatment!. The recommended daily serving of 2 – [...] Read More

Are Mouth-Guards Worth Their Weight in Gold?

You may not realize it but mouth guards are worth their weight in gold. If you think about it, the use of mouth-guards and the reasons for using them isn’t that far removed from orthodontic technology and the principals at Honey Orthodontics we employ to create a beautiful and healthy smile for our patients!

Mouth-guards: Not Just a Good Idea but a GREAT One!

Working together as a team is needed to create a [...] Read More

Save Those Old Toothbrushes…

Well, the jury is still out on whether or not “April Showers Bring May Flowers” but we can tell you one thing that IS true: your old dental products are more valuable than you think when you are bored on a rainy day!

At Honey Orthodontics, we recommend you replace your toothbrush approximately every three months or sooner if the bristles look worn during orthodontic treatment. When it’s time to switch, here are some way-cool alternatives to tossing out your old toothbrush and recycling them for other uses:

Brush Away Stains (On Your Walls and Clothes!) Whoever invented [...] Read More

Childrens’ Teeth Must Receive Attention


They are known by many names: baby teeth, milk teeth, temporary teeth, deciduous teeth, or primary teeth. Whatever name you prefer, the first set of teeth that erupt is just as important as the permanent teeth and maintaining good oral health from the beginning is important to a child’s long term dental health throughout life.

Even though they are small and eventually fall out, children’s primary teeth play critical roles. Did you know primary teeth begin to form in the womb prior to birth? Although they are hidden within the gums for the first few months [...] Read More