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How Affective Is a WaterPix When Wearing Braces in Gurnee IL?

Good dental care with routine maintenance can be costly, especially if you don’t have dental insurance. The American Dental Association (ADA) and the doctors at Honey Orthodontics recommend you see your dentist twice a year for regular checkups and cleanings.

If you take good care of your teeth on a regular basis with proper brushing and flossing, the cost of maintaining your teeth is minimal. (watch video below) However, if your oral hygiene is lax, the cost of dental care rises, depending upon what it needed to correct the situation, [...] Read More

Thumbs Down on Thumb Sucking

Children are born with a natural sucking reflex that often evolves into a comfort behavior. It is not at all unusual for an infant or child to find a thumb or finger to calm them when tired or upset as a coping mechanism. Ultrasound scans have revealed that thumb sucking can start before birth, as early as 15 weeks from conception. Even though a sucking reflex disappears at about four months of age, some infants will continue to suck their thumb or fingers as a voluntary habit to soothe them. [...] Read More

What Happened to my Orthodontic Retainers in Gurnee and Lake Villa IL?

It is no secret that dogs chew on anything and everything…. including retainers. They are fair game for “Man’s Best Friend” both in and out of the case if left out on the open. If you have a dog, never leave your retainer or Invisalign aligners on tables, bathroom counters, night stands, or any where they can jump up and snag the appliances. They will distort or eat them up in a few chews and thoroughly enjoy it without you even noticing. And if they swallow the sharp pieces of plastic, it can cause serious health issuesa for your beloved [...] Read More

Why Choose an Orthodontist In Gurnee and Lake Villa IL?

For most people, a beautiful smile is the most obvious benefit of orthodontic treatment. But for the Team at Honey Orthodontics, the correct function of your bite is far more important. A malocclusion, or bad bite, can cause serious problems over a lifetime if left untreated. Loss of tooth structure, TMJ problems and even bone loss can occur if a malocclusion is not corrected before permanent damage occurs.

An orthodontist completes several years of extensive training beyond dental school to become an expert at correcting jaw problems and straightening teeth. A dentist may see only a handful of cases a [...] Read More

Handling Out of Town Emergencies

School is out in most parts of the country and summer vacation will soon be here. Do you know what to do if you have an orthodontic emergency while you are out of town, on vacation, or away at camp? Here are some tips from Dr. Oana Honey and Dr. Robert Bard at Honey Orthodontics.

Fortunately, most problems with your braces don’t qualify as true emergencies. Let’s talk about a few things you can do while you are away to avoid the inconvenience and expense of trying to find an orthodontist in an unfamiliar area. Here are some [...] Read More

Gurnee IL Orthodontist Embraces Change With Her New Blog at Honey Orthodontics

Our world, both professional in the orthodontic practice of Honey Orthodontics and personal in our everyday lives, is changing at lightning speed. It is an exciting age we live in and amazes us every day. If we are here today, where will we be one, two, or even ten years down the road? The amount of information overload and busy life styles we deal with moment-to-moment is mind boggling and exciting, while sometimes stressful and challenging to us all.

Dr. Oana Honey and Read More