Our Blog

Invisalign – The Perfect Gift

Now is the time to start thinking of the perfect gift for your special teen or adult in your life. What better way to express your sentiments and thoughts than to give someone you love the beautiful smile they always wanted. An Invisalign Smile is the perfect Holiday gift!

For the majority of people, celebrations, parties, holiday treats, cookies and candy are all part of the holiday celebration. But for teens and adults in braces, it can be challenging to say the least. Invisalign gives a person the freedom to enjoy the holiday season and all of the things that [...] Read More

Halloween Fun Facts And Safety Tips

Halloween was also known as All Hallows’ Eve in some circles. It goes as far back as about 2,000 years to a pre-Christian Celtic festival held around Nov. 1 called Samhain (pronounced “sah-win”), which means “summer’s end” in the Gaelic language.

Halloween costumes and the tradition of “dressing up” may go back to a time when people would disguise themselves and go door-to-door, asking for food. Early costumes were usually disguises, often woven out of straw and there were times when people wore costumes to perform in plays or skits to celebrate All Hallow’s Eve.

Trick-or-treating didn’t start in the [...] Read More

October is National Orthodontic Health Month

Orthodontic Health Month…You probably are not aware that this even exists. Well it certainly does. October is the designated month to increase peoples’ awareness regarding oral health and beautiful smiles. A beautiful smile can open so many doors in both your social life and business life.

The Team at Honey Orthodontics wants you to join us in celebrating the power of a smile during October. No matter what your age…a perfect smile is one of your best assets. People everywhere appreciate a friendly smile so make sure yours is maintained on a daily basis. Of course, if you need help [...] Read More

Why Choose An Orthodontist To Correct Speech Problems?

Speech Problems…Did you know that the alignment of your teeth can affect your speech? One of the first things people notice about you is your smile and how we communicate when talking. If you have issues speaking clearly, orthodontics can help!

Lisping, whistling or slurring, and mispronunciation of words with “s” and “t” are the most common offenders. Proper diagnosis and correction during a patient’s developmental years, by an orthodontist makes it much easier to correct the tooth and/or jaw problems associated with poor speech habits. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children be evaluated by age 7. [...] Read More

Where in Gurnee is Dr. Honey Contest Winner!

What is “Where in Gurnee is Dr. Honey?” It’s the fun new patient contest that Honey Orthodontics hosted this summer. Dr. Honey traveled around Gurnee, taking “selfies” at local landmarks. We posted the photos online and asked our patients to determine where each photo was taken. The person with the most correct answers was our winner – and the prize was a big one! The winner is … Aron!

Congratulations Aron, enjoy your Phantom 3 Drone!

Don’t forget to check back here in a few weeks to participate in our new contest. The next winner could be you!