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Braces Friendly St. Patrick’s Day Recipes

St. Patrick’s Day seems to bring out the Irish in everyone whether or not they are even Irish. The day has become a tradition for most of us each and every year. The parades, parties, wearing of the green and yes even green elastics for braces all come together on St. Patty’s Day.

Originally the holiday began as a commemorative day to Saint Patrick who was responsible for bringing Christianity to Ireland in the year 432 AD. The holiday originated as a commemoration of the life and death Saint Patrick who died on March 17th and therefore is remembered on [...] Read More

Help Support National Nutrition Month


We all know that discussions about good dietary habits and nutrition take place every day almost everywhere. Families talk about it at home, teachers discuss it in schools and doctors, nurses and registered nutritionists discuss good nutrition with patients.

Many people believe that flavor must be sacrificed when eating nutritious foods. This is far from true. Some research confirms that taste is more important than nutrition when choosing one food over another. Realistically, the foods people enjoy most are usually the ones they eat. Therefore, setting healthy eating standards that also satisfy the taste buds is important to family [...] Read More

National Children’s Dental Health Month

The National Children’s Dental Health Month campaign in February brings together thousands of dedicated educators, dental professionals, health care providers and others to promote the benefits of good oral health to children, their parents, teachers, caregivers and others each and every year.

This year the 2016 NCDHM campaign features the slogan “Sugar Wars” on both sides of the poster. The Smileys, McGrinns and K9 are in a spaceship, the USS SweetSwatter. It is equipped with toothbrush swatters, fighting against the Sweet Tooth Invaders for good oral health. On the reverse side, preteen/teenagers demonstrate effective ways to defeat the effects of [...] Read More

The Gift Of Love Is A Smile On Valentine’s Day

Here is a thought! Why not give the gift of a smile to yourself or someone you love this Valentine’s Day? At Honey Orthodontics we specialize in beautiful smiles and can give you or anyone that smile you have so long deserved. The benefit of a healthy, happy smile is immeasurable. Choosing a trained orthodontic specialist for treatment can make that happen.

If your teeth are crooked, crowded or just not right, make the move to get that look you have always wanted. A great smile can drastically affect both your personal and professional lives.

One of the main benefits [...] Read More

Is Your Smile On Track For 2016?

Honey Orthodontics in Gurnee IL would like to wish you a New Year 2016 filled with joy and happiness. If your smile didn’t make you happy in 2015, now is the time to do something about it in 2016. No more procrastinating. Ring in the New Year with the smile you or someone in your family deserves. The American Association of Orthodontists completed a study that reported more than 1/3 of US adults are unhappy with their smile. If you are one of them, 2016 is the year to act! Here is what the study found [...] Read More

Celebrate The New Year 2016

Happy New Year to all our patients and families at Honey Orthodontics. We look forward to spending it with you and wishing you …

A year of wonderful happiness

A year of continuous fun

A year of good health

A year of great success

A year of incredibly good luck

A year of world peace