Can Orthodontics Fix a Speech Impediment?

If you’re a reader of our blog, you know that orthodontic treatment benefits our patients in many ways that may not be immediately obvious. Most people who seek orthodontic treatment focus on a crooked bite, crowded teeth, or a smile they are generally unhappy with. While we certainly love giving every one of our patients Read More

Whitening Your Teeth

Having a pearly white smile is often a top concern our patients bring to our office. One of the most common questions we get as orthodontists during braces treatment is whether white spots on the teeth are to be expected. Even our patients who don’t have braces are concerned about maintaining a clean white smile. Read More

The Anatomy of Orthodontics

For those of us who haven’t gone to school for dentistry or orthodontics, some of the terms your provider may use can be a bit confusing. As a patient it’s important to understand how different parts of the mouth work together to create healthy teeth. From the jaw up to the tooth, each part inside Read More

What to do to Relieve Invisalign Pain

Invisalign is awesome; it gives you an amazing smile without anyone ever noticing it doing its hard work. Mild soreness after switching your Invisalign trays is completely normal but uncomfortable. To help you manage any Invisalign pain, here are a few tips from Dr. Oana Honey at Honey Orthodontics. Switch Your Aligners Before Bed: Switching Read More

Foods That Worsen Oral Health

Sugar, acid, and foods that stay in your mouth for longer than necessary are all guilty of worsening your oral health. From dissolving enamel and  promoting negative bacteria growth to downright decay, there are some foods you should be sure to moderate or take out of your diet altogether. Keep reading to learn more from Read More

Why Your Visit to the Dentist is Essential

To ensure your teeth and mouth are healthy, you should visit a dentist at least once every six months, just like you have a health check with your general practitioner every year. In most dental checkups, your dentist will do a thorough checkup on your teeth and gums, followed by a dental cleaning.   What Read More

Traveling with Invisalign

Traveling can be a stressful undertaking, especially in the post-COVID age. Some people forget to consider how to best travel with their Invisalign and run into some tough situations as a result.    When you’re in a new place, far from your orthodontist’s office, and stopping at so many different places, it’s easy to remove Read More

Announcing Our Spring Seek & Find Contest

Spring is just around the corner, and we are looking forward to warm nights around the campfire with friends and family. Play our latest contest to enter for a chance to win a firepit with all the ingredients to make s’mores! A number of marshmallows have found their way onto various pages of our website and Read More

Everything You Need to Know About Invisalign

Nowadays, Invisalign is as common as traditional braces. When you go to the orthodontist, chances are you’ll be shown multiple treatment options from Invisalign clear aligners to the traditional bracket-and-wire braces that come to mind when you hear the word orthodontist. But how exactly does Invisalign even work? Is a completely invisible treatment where you Read More

What to Know About Mouthguards and Braces

We’ve all heard horror stories of sports injuries, or even worse, suffered one ourselves. After getting braces, you may be even more worried about a blow to the face during practice or a big game. The best way to protect your mouth from a painful fate is to invest in a mouthguard. Mouthguards protect not Read More

Everything You Need to Know About Your Retainer

So, you’ve finally gotten your braces off, finished your Invisalign, and you’re done with the orthodontist. Not so fast – after treatment, you’ll be fitted with a retainer to keep that smile perfect for years to come. Here we’ll address some common questions about getting a retainer and keeping your smile healthy long after braces Read More

Is Invisalign the Key to Your Smile?

It’s a big choice to set a treatment plan for bettering your smile! The decision involves research, planning, and an expert evaluation. The field of orthodontics is constantly innovating and growing, so there are numerous treatment styles that may be the best path for you. One of the biggest choices you’ll have to make is Read More

Braces and Missing Teeth

Losing teeth is an exciting time in any child’s life. The tooth fairy starts making appearances in your household and adult teeth start to grow in. What’s exciting for your kids might raise some fears and questions for the parents. It’s common to wonder if your child is losing teeth at the right time, or Read More

When Will My Braces Come Off?

The most common question patients ask us is “When will my braces come off?”. More often than “What can I eat with braces?” or “Can I still play my favorite sports?” Patients want to know how long they’ll have to deal with braces at all. It’s an understandable question. Braces are hard to brush and Read More

Why You Need to Floss Everyday

Flossing isn’t the most exciting part of your nightly routine, but it’s essential to your oral health. Maintaining that excellent oral health is an integral part of your orthodontic journey! Before we get into how to become an expert braces flosser, here’s some more information about why flossing is so critical in the first place. Read More

What Your Habits are doing to Your Teeth

It’s common for young children to put anything and everything into their mouths. This curiosity is normal, and unless it develops into bad habits that carry into later childhood, is beneficial to development. Habits like nail-biting, thumb sucking, using a pacifier excessively, and tongue thrusting as you swallow all have negative long-term effects on your Read More