Our Blog

7 Vitamins For Great Oral Health

Just like your body, your teeth also require just the right amount of vitamins and minerals to maintain the great benefits of good oral health throughout your life.

At Honey Orthodontics, our goal is to educate our patients on all aspects of health to maintain healthy teeth and gums. To make the most of your orthodontic treatment and get the end result you want in both appearance and function, be sure to eat healthy foods during treatment. This includes foods rich in the following vitamins and minerals and not hard or sticky which can damage your braces and wires:

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Is Biting Your Nails Bad For Your Teeth?

Whether you’re stressed, excited or bored, biting nails is a very common habit among kids and adults of all ages. Although it is more common among children ages 10 to 18, studies have shown that 30% of children and 15% of adults are nail biters. The good news is that most people drop the habit by age 30.

If you haven’t dropped your nail chewing habit or have concerns about its effect on your teeth, here are a few reasons you may want to stop:

It’s Unsanitary You’ve heard the line biting your nails is a dirty habit? It [...] Read More

Gum Disease – Five Myths Busted

We’ve all heard of gum disease, but what do you really know? Many people think they know all about gum disease, but not everything we hear or read is correct. To help bridge the gap between fact and fiction, here are 5 myths about gum periodontal disease, its causes, and treatments, debunked.

Bleeding gums are not that big of a deal

One important sign of periodontal disease (also known as gum disease) is red, swollen and bleeding gums. This is typically noticed when brushing, flossing, or eating certain foods. If you experience any of these symptoms during any of the [...] Read More

Why Not Learn How To Floss Like A Pro

Using floss is one of the most important steps you can take to maintain good dental health. It is the process of cleaning between your teeth to remove debris and food from areas a toothbrush cannot normally reach and an important part of your daily routine to keep your pearly whites sparkling and healthy.

When wearing braces, it is even more important to floss regularly since food collects and sticks more easily around the brackets and wires. At Honey Orthodontics it is critical for our patients to know that when they do not floss, the result is a breeding ground [...] Read More

The Dangers Of Too Much Sugar

Picture your favorite sugary drink. Odds are it’s either carbonated or contains too much sugar. Now picture what your teeth would look like if you only drank that for the next five years. Believe it or not, most of us would have significant tooth decay, stained teeth or, in some cases, gum disease.

Why Sugar is a Threat to Oral Health

Despite the fact that tooth enamel is the hardest tissue the human body produces, it cannot repair itself because it is not a living tissue. When we eat or drink sugary foods, our teeth become victims of injustice. Sugar [...] Read More

Announcing Our K9 Word Scramble Contest

Let’s kick off 2018 with a contest that’s worth wagging your tail to!

Complete our canine word scramble on our Contest Page. Complete the scramble correctly, and you’ll be entered in our final drawing to win a $50 gift card to Target. Honey Orthodontics will also donate $50 to a charity of the winners choice.

This contest runs Wednesday, January 10th through Friday, March 30th. During this time, our will also be accepting donations for K9s4U Dog Rescue!

Suggested donations include: *Crates *Pads *Dog Food *Toys *Bed *Blankets

Good luck to all our [...] Read More