Our Blog

Happy New Year – Reasons To Smile In 2018

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Depending on what stage you are in of orthodontic treatment, smiling may be the last thing you want to do. Whether you’re just starting with braces or Invisalign or near the very end, your confidence may have taken a tumble. With a new year comes a new mindset and we’ve got 8 reasons to expose your beautiful smile to the world in 2018:

1. Smiles are contagious. Studies have shown that people have a difficult [...] Read More

Stocking Stuffer Ideas From Honey Orthodontics

Happy Holidays to all from Honey Orthodontics! This is the time of year where giving means more than receiving. To see the joy on a loved one’s face as they look in their stocking or open a present is truly what giving is about. The Team at Honey Orthodontics would like to share some stocking stuffer ideas for your consideration. All of these suggestions apply to patients of different ages whether or not they are wearing braces or Invisalign.

Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Colgate Wisps for those on the go. Wisps are disposable mini-toothbrushes with a breath-freshening [...] Read More

Adult Orthodontics – Feel The Power Of Your Smile

While some might tell you otherwise, you’re never too old to straighten out your teeth. Even in a person’s later years, the procedures for adult orthodontics remain a surefire way to reposition your teeth. Doing so can also relieve them of any number of maladies, such as malocclusion (a bad bite).

Treating misaligned teeth can resolve any number of issues. Your smile is a hallmark of who you are. Knowing it shines out is vital to your self-confidence. Just as importantly, correctly aligned teeth are much easier to properly clean. Teeth that are simple to clean will allow you to [...] Read More

Thanksgiving With Joy And Gratitude

Here at Honey Orthodontics, our team believes in the simple power of gratitude. What better time of the year to express our gratitude than Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving brings to mind different thoughts to different people.

To most, it brings visions of a family Thanksgiving feast with roast turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing with yummy gravy, cranberries, squash, and of course…pumpkin pie! To a student away at school, it may mean coming home to be with those they miss and possibly some much needed down time from the daily rigors of school and studying. Then again for others…are you ready for some football… [...] Read More

Announcing Our Seek & Find Contest!

Dr. Honey and the staff at Honey Orthodontics are excited to announce their holiday “Seek & Find” Contest!

How it Works

Browse gurneeorthodontist.com and keep your eyes peeled for little graphics of presents on the website pages. Submit a contact form and let us know how may present graphics you found. Entries that guess the correct number of presents will be entered for the chance to win a $50 Target gift card! This contest runs from Wednesday, Nov. 1 through Wednesday, Jan. 1. For more information, visit our Contest Page.

A Visit from Santa!

Santa will be [...] Read More

Flex Account Can Make Someone Smile

Wow! We are already in November of 2017. Only two months to go before the end of the year! For those families who have FSA (Flexible Accounts), now is the time to apply for your 2018 funding during open enrollment or to ensure you have spent all your allocated funds for 2017.

If you are funding your FSA for 2018, to save you time, the limit for next year’s allocation is $2650. We will not bore you with the details but if you would like more information on eligibility, visit the FSA Store website. According to the [...] Read More